Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Grace Base

At first the name "Grace Base" meant that this would be a reference place to supply much-needed grace "curriculum" with children's ministers. When I looked up "base" in the dictionary, I was touched that this is the first name that popped into my mind when Father put it in my heart to share my lesson plans with the world. There are lots of meanings, but these were the most meaningful to me:

Base: (n)
1. A foundation
2. The fundamental principle or underlying concepts.
3. A fundamental ingredient; a chief constituent.
4. The fact, observation, or premise from which a reasoning process is begun.
5. A starting point, safety area, or goal.
6. A center of organization, supply, or activity; a headquarters.
7. A fortified center of operations.
8. A supply center.

Yes, I hope this can be a useful "supply center" for ideas and revelation, but "base" means so much more. Grace is the influence of Jesus manifesting our hearts and lives. There is no other message than the message of Grace. This IS the only gospel. The revelation of Father's love must be the "fundamental principle" in our hearts. It is the main ingredient in every area of our life. This foundational "fact" is the most important concept. Every thought can only be processed properly if we have an underlying confidence of his love for us, his righteousness in us, his peace we walk in, and his rest we were created to live in. This is the starting point AND the goal. The beginning AND the end. This is the place of safety. There is nothing beyond "God in us." Grace is The Base and only base to build. Grace is Father's intended "fortified center of operation" in our hearts.

Base is also, "the fundamental ingredient and chief constituent." These lessons are "based" on grace and that's it. Although I have much to learn and do not claim to have all the answers, I consider myself hardcore grace. I believe the grace message is the only message. To bring what some would call "balance" to this message is to pollute it with leaven. You will not find any law-based lessons in this curriculum.

"Grace" is not a hard concept to get. As I've always heard it taught, "You have to have help to misunderstand it." The problem is that we have a lot of help out there. Doctrines should never be taught to kids. Doctrines are walls. A foundation is a steady platform to build a life without walls. Building a Grace Base is to help the child to experience a relationship with his Good Daddy in an atmosphere of freedom. I'm not saying there should not be structure in Kid's church. (Lord, rescue those who don't have structure in kid's church!) I am saying that in their hearts and Spiritual atmosphere of your ministry, there should be freedom. Freedom to fail, freedom to love, freedom to grow, etc. Every kid likes to be like their dad. If you tell them who their Daddy is, how to meet Him, and their rights as His children, you will start to see the manifestation of His influence in their lives. He abides in their heart. Help them to experience a relationship with him there. Please don't teach them how to wall him in with a bunch of "milky" doctrines. These babies desire meat. Let's feed them the real stuff!

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