Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Contents of a Kid's Service

The following is a description of contents in a Kid's church service and why each is important.

Giving is recommended at the beginning of the service for children so they do not have to keep up with their money for long periods of time. Children love to serve as ushers to take up the money. Make sure you have a policy of how and where their offering will go to keep it safe. I recommend only teaching them that we give as the Spirit in us directs us, and because Our Father is a giver so we are because he lives in us. You don't have to make a big deal out of this. In my experience, kids give more at the times I've just said, "There's a bucket over there. If anybody wants to give something, just go put it in."

Praise and Worship
Although disrespect and disruption is never acceptable, Children should be allowed to respond to God in their own way which is true worship. It would be ideal to have a praise and worship team for children just as the adults do. Since this is often not feasible, the next best thing would be to have a consistent praise and worship leader. Children also love to help lead worship. Develop and train them to lead worship. The more comfortable children feel, the more they can freely express themselves and respond to the Lord. Children need easily singable songs. Repetition and easy words are important. Lead them. Do not force them. Remember to instruct on “why” worship and not so much on the “How.” Children may not “look” like they are responding to God, but they respond in their hears. Be sure to guide them, but not teach them to fake it. It is also important to remember that children will go no further in worship than their leader/s. The worship leader should feel free to respond to the Holy Spirit and do so. It can also be important to be conscientious of the children's level of worship as to not leave them behind. The worship leader, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit in worship, will lead the kids perfectly every time without too much focus on what worship state the kids are in. Basically, the worship leader's job is to provide the atmosphere for worship. The Holy Spirit does the rest.

The discipleship portion of the service is designed to train and equip the little saints. It is recommended to recruit church members who have strong gifts in the discipleship lessons to help equip the kids. For example, a church member who normally doesn't work with children, but has a great evangelistic gifting in his life could be recruited to disciple the children on evangelism and outreach or maybe even start a children's evangelism team.

Secret Handshake
The purpose of the secret handshake is threefold. 1) It makes the children feel they are accepted and a part of something bigger. 2) It allows the children to interact with each other and meet new children. 3) It keeps up the flow of service when a teacher needs a few extra seconds to get ready for the next activity. Anytime there is downtime, have the children do the secret handshake with five or so others. The handshake can be as simple as a bump and fun noise with their mouth, or a pretty elaborate little hand dance.

Bible Verse Game
The purpose of the Bible Verse Game is to make learning scripture fun. If it is fun, they do not know they are learning it. I'll try to post some Bible verse games soon.

The more senses a child can use to learn, the better it will be learned. Object lessons are great because children can see what they are learning. It is important to remember and to teach them that the Holy Spirit is their teacher. He can teach them more about what the teacher is saying, than the teacher can say. Even if a child seems like he/she does not get it, it does not mean anything. The Holy Spirit can still be working in their hearts even if they don't “look” like it.

It is always important to give an invitation each service. It's a time when the children can be guided into salvation. A child should NEVER be turned away from receiving the Lord. Even if a child responds to the invitation every week, it is important to allow them to although gentle instruction could be given to those frequent repeaters that once Jesus lives in them, he doesn't leave.

There are several ways to give an invitation. One way is to have everyone close their eyes. Have them raise their hands if they have asked Jesus in their heart. Then have them raise their hands if they have not asked Jesus in their heart. Then have them raise their hands if they want to ask Jesus in their heart. Then lead them in a prayer.

Quiet Time
See the previous post about Quiet Times. These are great to tag onto the invitation because the kids are already calm and quiet.

Review Game
Review Game is important to reiterate the lesson. I've got some review questions with some of the lesson plans I intend to share.

Game and Activity
Games are fun and encourage fellowship. Fun helps engage children in the children's ministry. Get you a good game book and you will never forget it. I'll also post some of my favorites as I remember them.

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